The Effects of Divorce

No one can deny that the effects of divorce spread far and wide through the families of those going through it. From children to parents to aunts and uncles, everyone is affected in some way when two people who have lived their lives together decide to split up.

It isn’t easier on either of the two parties. Both will feel the terrible stress of this unfortunate time. Divorce is one of the highest ranking causes of anxiety and depression.

When only one party wants the divorce, the effects of divorce on the other party weigh just as heavy but in a different way. More emotionally distraught, the party that does not want the divorce will, in all probability, lean toward depression, moping and crying. The other party in this one-sided divorce will lean toward anger, resentment and anxiety. All of these emotions, mixed with the financial burdens of divorce, can lead to a bad mix of emotionally distraught actions.

Divorce and its effects can drive a sane person to suicide and a sober person to drink. Even in a situation where the divorce is agreed upon, people get upset and hurt.

Divorce can cause huge financial burdens, pain for all children involved, pain for adults and loving family members who have grown close to the couple. Mutual friends are caught in the middle, and who wants to take sides in a situation involving two people they may have grown close to over a span of some time? Does the longer you have been married make it any harder? If so, it doesn’t discount the pain that fairly new couples experience when splitting up.

Mental pain is the most prevalent of abusers during a divorce. How we put ourselves through a great deal of pain and agony! It’s a confusing time among other things. It is so important to do whatever you can to relieve yourself of the stress, keeping the effects of divorce at an arm’s length. Get professional help when you can, keep up with your favorite hobbies. Don’t ignore the effects of divorce but be sure not to dwell on them either. You are not alone in your feelings.

It’s a fairly sure bet that the one you are letting go is having the same troubles as you are. It may seem easy to lash out wherever you can when your emotions are rocky and unstable. It’s best to put a restraint on your emotions while you can.

Final thoughts

Take some time out for yourself and, if you have children, be sure to stay aware of what they may be going through. Oftentimes, we forget that the children suffer the most, with their young, forming minds and sensitive egos. If you take charge of the situation, you may find it easier to handle not only your emotions but the emotions of those you are surrounded with, as well.

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